words of wisdom

A Time of Renewal

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“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
~ Albert Camus

How did we already get to September?  I don’t know about you, but honestly, it feels like the summer just flew by in a blink!

I do love the fall months.  The leaves turn colour.  I start to bring cozy sweaters, scarves and boots out of the closet.  I make soups, stews and I bake ALL. THE. TIME.  (That’s something I miss doing in the warm summer months).

My mum used to say “I feel like I come alive in the fall!”  I never really understood that until a few years ago. I used to think she was nuts!  I mean, really, sad to see the summer end?  Beach time, picnics, the beautiful warm evenings done with?  How could anyone want that to end??

Now, I see the metaphor of it all.  The fall feels like a time of shedding and renewal. Take the trees – they begin to shed their leaves, they begin to rest and restore themselves over winter, and then they reinvent themselves with new growth in the spring.

Autumn let go quote

How lovely is that?  Take a moment to think about this…

If we could take the metaphor of trees and use those ideas on us – shed the old, rest, restore and make room for the new.  It feels like a fresh opportunity doesn’t it?

I’m shedding some old.  I’ve realized there are some things I need to let go of and shed:

  • Belief I’m not good enough
  • Belief I’m not deserving
  • Thoughts of “I can’t”
  • Thoughts of “I don’t know what I’m doing”
  • Thoughts of “Who cares”
  • Stop allowing my expectations of others dictate how I act (that’s a biggie)

I’m going to rest, restore and rejuvenate myself.  Create. Develop. Learn. Grow.

During my time of restoration I will:

  • Welcome new opportunities
  • Welcome abundance
  • Welcome a change of thoughts throughout aspects of my life
  • Restore my faith in people
  • Remember I AM good enough, I DO deserve, and really, I CAN
  • Remember to believe and just go for it – even if it means I do it scared

There will be some new sixty-six day challenges, a little hibernation and some fun shares along the way….

Until next time, may you enjoy the last few days of sweet summer, welcome autumn, shed, rest, restore and above all, may you find time to develop YOUR 2.0!


Stop Being a Cheapskate!

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Today I read a quote which basically said (I’m paraphrasing here) “don’t be a cheapskate when it comes to taking inventory of what lights you up.”  There was a lot more to the quote, however, this  phrase has been with me all day.  It has, in turn, inspired me to write this.

Why do we cheap out on what matters most to us?  Is it because we feel our deepest dream or goal is unattainable?  Is it because it scares us? Is it because we’re worried what people will think of us? Is it because we feel inadequate?  Is it because we don’t have enough money or we think we don’t deserve it or worse yet, we’re not enough?  If we’re cheaping out on ourselves on what lights us up, most likely, it’s one or all of these thoughts.

When I think of my own hopes, new dreams and goals (and I have some pretty lofty ones!), I know I totally cheap out and short change myself.  Honestly, despite what I may show on the outside, inside, I’m shittin’ bricks thinking about them.  I get frustrated with each set back and quite frankly, I often have given up!


It’s normal, I think, for us humans to doubt ourselves every step of the way.  We all freak right out each time a plot twist or course redirect comes our way, however, it’s how we choose to accept it that makes the difference.

I’m in the throws of a whole lotta plot twists and course redirections right now and as I stumble through the path trying to figure out exactly which path I’m choosing and how am I going to get there (trust me when I tell you I’m scratching my head thinking, WTF, how on earth is this going to even become a reality?)  I know those damn gremlins are talking really loud in my brain. Trying to shush them is a challenge.  I’ll save that for another day lol!

I know we live in a world where we’re told to dream big, believe it, anything can happen – blah, blah, blah.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I do believe that we can set intentions and direct our course, and I most definitely believe that the universe can support us.  I also believe that sometimes, we have to welcome the gremlins, let them do their thing, talk them down and find our way out of the self doubt, despair and remind ourselves not to be cheapskates! Then, and only then, can we recognize what lights us up, makes us happy, fulfill dreams, goals and more!

So my friends, the next time you find yourself being a cheapskate, think of my favourite Marianne Williamson quote:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Until next time, find what lights you up, don’t be a cheapskate, be bold and discover your 2.0!!!



The Ups (and downs) of Another 66 day Habit Challenge

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A while ago, I wrote about my 66 day challenge.  It felt great to turn that challenge into a habit that I continue to do each morning.  It no longer feels like a challenge – it most definitely is a habit!  It’s not always perfect and yes, some mornings I really don’t want to get up that extra ½ hour early to do head into my zen room yet I still do – and each morning I am so grateful I did!

Fast forward through to today.  I’ve been working hard on accomplishing my next challenge – another 66 day love affair with myself!   The challenge???  Well, it was to set aside minimum of ½ hour each day after I get home from work (and after walking the dog – because, the bladder can’t wait) to work on projects I want to complete like my writing course, writing a blog post, or working on my dream goal or some self care time like a nice hot bubble bath.  The biggest part of this challenge has been letting go of the guilt and the “have to” list – I have to start dinner, I have to clean the bathroom, I have to run these errands – you know what I’m talking about right?

Habit for yourself

What was interesting for me was that I had to restart this habit challenge about 5 times!  I gave myself a big ole permission slip, I asked a friend to check in, I wrote a blog post about it, hell,  I even spoke with my counselor about this – the whole nine yards, however, somehow, I was, well, failing.  It was a bit of a vicious circle and there has been a TON of loathing self talk going on.

So, now, what’s the status of this challenge you ask???  You are asking right?  Finally, something in my brain clicked – I made a chart and I even give myself stars each week once I hit the end of the week.  I made a list of all the things I would do on one page and the chart on the other.

I am SO proud to say this time around, I’m successfully turning this into a beautiful habit.  I still am working on the guilt and letting go of the “have to” list  – that’s another work in progress and most likely another blog lol!

Until next time, may you find love, peace, happiness, something to challenge yourself with and as always, may you discover YOUR 2.0

The Day the Sugar Spilled

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 “No memory is ever alone; it’s at the end of a trail of memories, a dozen trails that each have their own associations.” ~ Louis L’Amour

Memory is funny thing.   A song, a smell, a word, a food or a visit to a special place can whirl you back in time to the exact moment your sense first encountered it. Memories, they play a huge part in our lives, forming us, comforting us or even shape how we move forward in this journey of life.

My most recent memory is sugar. Yes, sugar – a great big ole pile of white granulated sugar. This particular memory occurred on a day that changed my life forever…

pile of sugar

As the third anniversary of my mum’s death approaches, memories have been slowly encroaching my brain. The strangest of memories is that damn fucking sugar! I vividly remember the sugar incident. That morning, I decided to make a loaf of bread in the bread machine. As I grabbed the sugar container from the counter, it slipped right out of my hands!   The container flipped over and spilled white granules of sugar over the entire counter. I’m sure you can imagine the curse words that came out of me at that moment!

That’s when my phone rang.   That’s when life as I knew it was about to change forever…

It was the counselor from the hospice my mum was in. She called me to say my mum’s condition had taken a turn and I should get to Vancouver ASAP. I had just been there the day before – she gave no indication of anything changing so I went back to Victoria.

Do I regret that decision?   Some days yes and some days no.   I was home alone with the dog that morning… Hubby was already at work and was too far gone to be able to turn back.   I can remember the kitchen began to spin and I fell to the floor. For a second, I actually didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t put my thoughts into action, I was in a complete panicked state – I was frozen in that moment.

Somehow, I managed to gather myself up off the floor and figure out how I was going to get myself to Vancouver – I was in no shape to drive myself. Thank goodness for friends who dropped everything to help me that day – I will always be grateful for you!

So back to that damn effing sugar! Along with that memory, I remember calling CP to help. She dropped everything on her day off to come to my rescue – take care of the business, the dog and that damn sugar!!! I don’t know if I’ve ever truly expressed how grateful I was to her for cleaning that up for me – way beyond the call of duty. Hell, she even made the bread! Things like that, don’t seem like a lot to some – for me, that day, it meant the world.

I didn’t make it in time to say goodbye to my mum. She died alone. Although it’s often how our loved ones want it. They say they want you there, but they wait until you leave the room. That’s how it was. The volunteer that sat with my mum, telling her I was on my way, left the room. For those who know the ferry trip from Victoria to Vancouver, mum decided to take her last breath as we approached Active Pass. It’s one of my favourite spots on that ferry trip to Vancouver (although now, I go through that spot and whisper to my mum the things I wish I could still tell her).   Maybe it was just a coincidence or maybe it was fate she chose that exact moment – who knows. However, knowing my mum, she planned it that way!

Upon arrival at the hospice, a couple of our friends were there. One of my mum’s good friends brought Apricot brandy – a favourite of her & mum’s to drink. She thrust the bottle into my hand and said “DRINK!” Funny how I can smell that brandy as I write this…I’m grateful to that friend, through a lot of tears, we laughed at stories about her & mum drinking said brandy.

There are days mum’s death feels like just yesterday and some days it feels like a lifetime ago!   So much has happened in the past three years, so much I long to say to her, so much I wish I could share with her, so many times I wish I could hear her offering words of comfort or support, reminding me how strong, tough & courageous I am and so many times I wish she was here to wrap her arms around me with a hug. My biggest hope is that she is looking down and smiling looking at one of her friends saying, “Yeah, that’s my daughter! I’m so fucking proud of her!”

remember whos daughter I am

39 Days and Counting…

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I’m 39 days into my habit… I know that sounds strange AND, I’m really proud of myself!

This year, I set out to make 2019 about a lot of things. One of the most important things I have set out to do is promising to take better care of myself – not just in the healthy eating and more exercise department! It means I set more boundaries, put myself first, do only that which serves me, a daily practice, time carved out just for me AND really be happy with who I am – with no regrets or apologies!


This is not a selfish act my friends, it’s an act of survival and well being!  It means that, in turn, I can take better care of those I love AND I can give more of myself – like the old saying goes, “the better you take care of yourself, the better you can give to others.” (or something like that).

So, what’s the deal with 39 days and counting I started off with?  Well, I wanted to turn my desire of a practice into a habit. My habit each morning includes a yoga practice and journal time.  This is huge as it meant I’d have to get up earlier than usual, hubby would have to take on the morning dog walking responsibility and we’d both need to prep things the night before so we could carve out this time.  If it’s important enough, you’ll commit to it right?!  In theory yes, in practice, not always!  I’m notoriously human for starting something and sometimes letting in fall to the wayside….

NOT THIS TIME I said to myself (and to hubby who replied with “hey, whatever makes you happy!” He’s kinda smart this way).

66 days

According to science, “they” say it takes 66 days to turn something into a habit – so really, I’m more than half way there!!!  Some days the practice is not perfect, sometimes its shorter than usual, some days it just doesn’t flow (so I alter it) however, most days, it’s exactly what my body, mind and soul needs to carry on throughout the day, week, month and what will become a year of beautiful self care!

I finish each time with some journaling; this includes what I’m grateful for each day.  This practice, got me thinking – as I write the usual things, a patient, loving man who treats me with love and respect, the gorgeous dog we rescued, my job, health, this blog etc., it suddenly hit me why I didn’t put myself on the top of the list????  I mean, really, why am I not grateful for myself and what I bring to each day????  You know that conversation we all have about if we could pick 5 people to sit around a table and have dinner with, do you put yourself on that list???  I do (now)!  It’s kinda my recent “AH-HA” moment!

promise quote

Friends, stop putting yourself last on the list (or not on the list at all) – make yourself the first and foremost important person in your life! Make this promise to yourself!  Once you’ve got that in place, everything else becomes just that much better – I pinky swear!

So, I challenge you to take a day, a week, a month or hell, even the year to put yourself first someway, somehow!  It might be challenging and there will be moments you’ll want to say, “F*ck this!”  AND, I’m pretty confident you won’t regret it – besides, you are totally worth it right?! It’s a promise you’ll be happy you kept.

Until next time, I wish you love, peace, joy, happiness and a way to discover YOUR 2.0!


Out With The Old, In With The New

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The last few years, when I’ve seen the posts of “New Year = New Me” I actually cringe!

Over the years, I have done A LOT of self work and I know I’ve changed – sometimes better, sometimes meh and sometimes, well, I won’t go there.   The past few years have been heavy from death, to loss to change and a whole lotta shit in-between.  Let’s be honest, some life experiences and moments will really change you – for the good, the bad or the ugly.  We choose which way we want show it.


I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty positive person and each year I think “This is it! A fresh start, a clean slate!” and all the other New Year things or quotes you can imagine get inserted here.  Then, something happens, a setback, a loss, or whatever struggle that gets tossed my way and it all goes pear shaped!

My usual posts for the past few years on social media have been like these:


Now as 2019 quickly approaches, I am making a conscious choice how I want to approach it.  So for the past few weeks, I’ve really searched and worked on what I want to bring, carry forward, leave behind, welcome, and receive.

I’ve been on stress leave from work, I took the time to really sit with myself, journaled and wrote a fuck load of “wants” lists!  Last week, I stumbled upon a blog and I really wish I could remember who wrote it so I could share the link with you and give them credit.  The blog challenged me to write down all the crap and shit of 2018, then, it also asked I wrote out all the great stuff of 2018.  It didn’t need to be big stuff; it could be as simple as taking a box to a charity shop or cleaning out the garage.  Funny thing is, as I wrote these two lists out, the crap came really easy – it was on the forefront of my mind.  I had to really think about all the good stuff that happened this year (and there was a lot of good stuff).  Some things started as great and ended up as bad, some things on the lists brought a lot of tears and emotion yet when it came time to the list of great stuff, I couldn’t stop smiling AND to my astonishment, the good stuff sure out weighted the crap! I really sat with that.  How on earth could I have let the shit outweigh the awesome?  It happens and no matter how positive you think you are or you show only the good on your social media posts, sometimes we just let the bad overshadow everything else.  We chose, at that moment, to let it become what we remember.

Soooooo, at the beautiful retreat I was at this past weekend, the exercises we did of forgiveness, gratitude and intention setting reinforced that I really am done with dwelling on the past shit.  It’s not what I want to carry forward to the next year.  I want to welcome the good and when I sit down at the end of 2019, I don’t want to have to think hard about all the good, I want it to roll off my tongue without a second thought!


As 2018 ends, I want to thank it for the lessons I’ve learned, the hardships and the crap – you’ve reminded me that I am strong, brave, courageous and I am my mother’s daughter – I’m tough, just like her.  I forgive the year that brought me tears, the experiences that I didn’t really want yet somehow needed to get to where I want to go.  I’m grateful for the maybe not so gentle reminders and finally, I set you free.  I release you to the past with love and know that I appreciate you.


2019, I’m ready – oh so ready to finally, once again, be open to possibilities and new opportunities.   I purposely set the intention for balance, love, light, abundance and to remember who I really truly am….

Bring it, I’m ready, I’m worthy and I’m deserving of all the goodness you will bring AND I will create this year.

Wishing you all an amazing 2019 – may you remember who you are!

The Guilt of Feeling Guilty (aka Being F*cking Hard on Myself)!

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guilt quote

I’ve been holding back… a lot!  I’ve been suffering, sometimes quietly, sometimes out loud, sometimes to friends and well, sometimes on social media.  I’m guilty of feeling guilty –all this energy is pent-up and I’m being oh so hard on myself.  So hard, in fact, that I’ve actually made myself stressed out – totally and completely!  Some may not see it, I mean, hey, I’m usually pretty happy-go-lucky and I try to put out a cheery disposition.  For those who know me, really know me, I’m pretty damn sure I’m not hiding a thing!   Those peeps see right through me.  Luckily for me, their quiet support does not judge, does not say a thing unless I ask them to.

See, as many know, my mumma died almost three years ago.  That’s when the guilt really started.  She asked me to be with her when she took her last breath.  I said I would.  Little did I know I wouldn’t get there in time.  I saw her the day before, the nurses said there was no indication of anything changing, so I got back on the ferry and headed home.  The next morning, the hospice called and I was scrambling to get to the ferry.  The call came while we were sailing through Active Pass that she took her last and final breath on this earth.  Maybe she chose Active Pass as I always found that spot on the trip beautiful and soul warming – who knows??!!   My guilt has travelled beyond that to the feelings of guilt because I put work first, I think back to the moments of teen hood and my mouthiness, my attitude and later on my sometimes impatience with her.  All building to a mountain of guilt!  Trust me, that mountain is HIGH!

Guilt quote 2

The moment I think of all this guilt rising and building inside me, then I feel guilty for it.  I know in my brain that my mum didn’t think of any of those moments, she was my mum, she loved me through the good, the bad and sometimes, the very ugly.  It was unconditional.  I know, yet, it doesn’t soothe the heart.

My guilt carries to “did I do enough to help our sick dogs?’  “Did I do enough to be there for a friend?’  “Am I supportive enough to hubby?” And, well, you get the point, it travels like a river through me. Things have been pretty crazy these last two years, death in so many forms from mum, to closing the business, to Cassius to TWO MOVES in a year and so forth.  Life,  it’s loaded me down.

I have stifled “stuff” as long as I can.  Enough, is enough.  I need to expel this shit now.  Embrace these feelings and as a friend says, “feel the feels.”  No more pushing it down and resisting.  This is real life my friends, not the life shared on social media.  Life can be a series of unfortunate events and sometimes you have to accept that this is the now, not the forever as I have been feeling.  I admit, I’ve let these feeling run how I feel.  I’ve forgotten about myself, I’ve stopped the balance I love of self-care, movement and letting me be inspired rather that feeling despaired. My body has ached, my brain has been sore and I have not been at my best.

It’s even carried into work, I started a new job.  It was great at first.  Then, sadly, it started to unravel.  I was sucked into a weave of negativity, toxicity,  being micro managed, having my work questioned and even my work ethic challenged.  This toppled me – BIG TIME!  I took a deep breath (I’m doing this as I write) and decided to put myself first again.  My guilt (and fear) put me on the back burner.  I’ve been on stress leave.  It’s been interesting to admit that I (the one who claimed I could do it all), that I was not happy.  I was not taking care of myself – none of my favourite things such as yoga, being GROOVEd, intention setting etc.  Not even my inspiring quotes where being utilized.  I realized I have let myself get forgotten…. I forgot who I am, who I want to be and who I need to be!

So here is a little secret I have not told many until right this moment.  I made the decision to see a counselor.  A real, honest to goodness, professional counselor.  No peer counseling, no self-help, and not just talking to friends.  It’s time for a professional!  This is hard step for me.  I’m damn stubborn and really did not want to admit I need some help. It’s not like we live in a society of acceptance when it comes to acknowledging our mental health needs and frankly, when we need help! No amount of yoga, meditation, unicorn magic, incense burning or intention setting is going to be of value if I don’t stop and dig down DEEP!  Call it brave, courageous or whatever,  I’m calling it: self-love. It’s become a dire necessity to take this step. It’s time to take me back!  It’s time to hit the reset button!!!

ask for help quote

As I learned in a workshop years ago, “Kristina, I see you. I hear you. I love you.”  I don’t need to be hard on myself for feeling guilty.  I can have that moment and embrace it.  I can believe I will come out of this on  the other side with a new-found respect for myself and finally admitting to myself that sometimes (just sometimes), I need help and that, my friends is never, ever a bad thing.

I want YOU to know, I see you.  I hear you. I love you.  May you take time for yourself. Ask for help. Care for yourself and above all, let yourself become the best version of you – not just a 2.0!



When You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees!

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I’m not gonna lie, life has thrown us one challenge after another for the past couple of years!  So when 2018 finally rang in, I figured it was gonna change!  It was going to be freedom & ease sprinkled in with some abundance and ya know, good shit for a change!

For the most part, 2018 has been just that freedom from so much, followed by ease of our “new life” post business.  Recently, though, the universe has seen fit, that I remember a saying of my childhood…


… my parents said it often.  This week, it’s popped into my mind so many times.  So, for a moment, I stopped, I had it all out and then decided to go for a walk and actually SEE the trees!  I needed to be reminded of something greater than myself.

I dragged hubby with me.  He, well, um, shall we say tolerates my whimsy desire to do these sorta things.  He, is, I would like to point out, a very good sport! Things have been heavy so we took this time to talk a few plans out, talk out how we are frustrated with a few things right now and gently gave ourselves the reminder that THIS time is only for RIGHT NOW, it’s not our forever!

Fast forward a couple days later and well, I can see the trees AND the forest – they’re both stunning.  That beautiful, gentle reminder to keep the faith and that the destination of our plans will be oh so worth it!  The big picture has been reseen and the course reset – all because of a funny old saying that popped into my head!

Until next time, my you continue to see the forest for the trees, get out and see the trees, see the big picture, let it inspire you and keep the faith!  My you find love, joy, happiness and of course with every opportunity, may you discover  your own 2.0!

Freedom & Ease

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I decided to start 2018 a little different that usual.  There were many things changing leading up to this time so why not change EVERYTHING!

Usually, leading up to a new year I start getting words & pictures ready for my intention board.  Not this year!  I tossed it all aside for something new.  I received a new daytimer for Christmas and in it, the challenge was to find 1 word or phrase to help guide you through the year.  YES! This was something new to try & I was totally up for it!!

Almost instantly 2 words popped into my mind.  Seriously, it couldn’t be that easy could it? So, as per my norm, I had to challenge it and signed up for an online workshop (5 whole flipping days thank you very much)! Each day, I’d receive a project to do to assist me in finding my words.  Well, 5 days later, those same 2 words were staring up at me!

I think the entire neighbourhood must have heard me laugh!  Well, there you have it – my words for the year are FREEDOM & EASE!!

I’ve been repeating these words ever since!  They are written everywhere – in my daytimer, at my desk at home and at work, notifications on my phone and on sticky notes all around the house where I can see them. Looking at these words reminds me that life doesn’t need to be a struggle, it doesn’t have to be hard, I don’t have to be tied down to one belief system or a way of doing things.  Freedom & ease mean so much. Freedom from that which was holding me back, freedom from places, people or things which no longer serve me and the freedom to bloody well let shit go!  Let people go. Let expectations go.  Let go of being hard on myself.  Ease to just be, getting through any challenge with as much ease as possible, and most of all, to be at ease with myself!  Once I allowed freedom & ease to be my guides, everything else seemed to flow way nicer!

“Freedom & happiness are found in the flexibility & ease with which we move through change” ~ Buddha

We’re not even 2 months into 2018 and it feels like my world has been turned inside out – in a good way.  It’s been a bit of an emotional ride. We moved from a home that sheltered us for 15 years.  There were many memories there from one very successfully ran business to 2 beautiful dogs to many amazing dinners around 2 different tables with friends filled with delicious meals,  laughter and yes, even some tears.  The new house is waiting to become a home and help to create new fabulous memories. There’s some tears – a bit of a hole in the heart for a brief moment – knowing my mumma will never (physically at least) see our new home, there’s not a 4-legged guy reminding us that it must be time for a treat and that’s okay, I’ve got freedom and ease to get me through this too!

Let’s not forget about the change in employment! I started a new job.  It’s been an interesting change.  I’ve gone from the freedom to having my own schedule to be on someone else’s.  I’ve got the ease of a regular pay cheque that let’s be honest, pays me more than my business did!  I’ve got the freedom to leave work at work and the ease to enjoy a weekend!  Pros & cons baby, pros & cons!

A few last thoughts about freedom and ease… well, I have found more time for me, I see friends less, I play less on social media, I have more time for real life connections, I do more of what I really want to do and I’m doing it all with my new sidekicks freedom &  ease!

So, as 2018 plugs along, I would challenge you to take a moment and think about a word that makes sense to help you along this year. You might find that word in a picture, in a phrase or quote, words from a friend. Where ever or however you find it, I hope it inspires you to live with integrity and help you in any way it can.  Let it be, welcome it, be open to it and when your word finds you, own it baby!

Until next time, I wish you freedom & ease, love and of course an opportunity to find your 2.0!

On the eve of my 45th year…

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45!  Are you kidding me?  How did this happen?!  I can remember in my 20’s thinking that 40 seemed sooooooo old, funny how that is isn’t it?!  Now, I’m thinking, hey, I’m five years away from 50 – I look pretty good!!!! My Oma used to say, “Age is just a number, it doesn’t mean a thing!”  She sure was right!


A few weeks ago, I had a very philosophical conversation with an almost 6 year old – we discussed the difference between being young and old.  He told me that when you’re old, you don’t really have much life left and when you’re young, you have lots of time – yes, how true.  He continued that on the other hand, when your old, you’ve already done lots of fun stuff, when you’re young, all you want to do is fun stuff – again, yes, how very true. This conversation continued for a bit after – you get the idea of our back & forth of young versus old.

It got me thinking, I could possibly be half way through my life span.  So far, life has been pretty amazing.  I’ve done a lot of fun stuff so far, yet I feel like the fun stuff is just about to really begin and get waaayyy better!  My mumma used to say life begins at 40, I think she may have been onto something!

Which got me thinking to another conversation with a group of friends about being in our 20’s again – I think I surprised them by saying I really wouldn’t want to go back.  I mean, it’s not like my 20’s were awful – actually they were pretty fun AND I don’t have social media to remind me of the stupid stuff lol!  I simply feel, I’ve lived that time & it’s done.  I have no regrets, I wouldn’t change a thing – even the bad stuff – they helped shape me into the person I am today and I’m pretty darn proud of this person.

To those “youngins” out there – enjoy each and every moment of your life.  Live with no regrets and savour all the fun stuff you can. Life is good, no matter how young or old you may be!

So, on the eve of my 45th year, I do take a moment to think, “baby, you’ve come a long way!”  I also, am taking time to think, ” yeah baby, the best is definitely yet to come!”  AND, I can’t wait to see all the fun stuff I get to do and experience! Life, I think, is about to get real good!!!!!
