life begins at 40

On the eve of my 45th year…

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45!  Are you kidding me?  How did this happen?!  I can remember in my 20’s thinking that 40 seemed sooooooo old, funny how that is isn’t it?!  Now, I’m thinking, hey, I’m five years away from 50 – I look pretty good!!!! My Oma used to say, “Age is just a number, it doesn’t mean a thing!”  She sure was right!


A few weeks ago, I had a very philosophical conversation with an almost 6 year old – we discussed the difference between being young and old.  He told me that when you’re old, you don’t really have much life left and when you’re young, you have lots of time – yes, how true.  He continued that on the other hand, when your old, you’ve already done lots of fun stuff, when you’re young, all you want to do is fun stuff – again, yes, how very true. This conversation continued for a bit after – you get the idea of our back & forth of young versus old.

It got me thinking, I could possibly be half way through my life span.  So far, life has been pretty amazing.  I’ve done a lot of fun stuff so far, yet I feel like the fun stuff is just about to really begin and get waaayyy better!  My mumma used to say life begins at 40, I think she may have been onto something!

Which got me thinking to another conversation with a group of friends about being in our 20’s again – I think I surprised them by saying I really wouldn’t want to go back.  I mean, it’s not like my 20’s were awful – actually they were pretty fun AND I don’t have social media to remind me of the stupid stuff lol!  I simply feel, I’ve lived that time & it’s done.  I have no regrets, I wouldn’t change a thing – even the bad stuff – they helped shape me into the person I am today and I’m pretty darn proud of this person.

To those “youngins” out there – enjoy each and every moment of your life.  Live with no regrets and savour all the fun stuff you can. Life is good, no matter how young or old you may be!

So, on the eve of my 45th year, I do take a moment to think, “baby, you’ve come a long way!”  I also, am taking time to think, ” yeah baby, the best is definitely yet to come!”  AND, I can’t wait to see all the fun stuff I get to do and experience! Life, I think, is about to get real good!!!!!
