
New Year, New Beginnings

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As I begin my forty-seventh year on this planet, wait, what? FORTY-SEVEN????  Holy crapballs!  Where does the time go?  Life, it does that to us doesn’t it?  Remember when we were in our twenties and thirty seemed OLD?!

Now, in my late mid forties (I stole this line from an episode of Will & Grace), I sit and ponder a bit.  I’m in awe of what I’ve done so far although some days that voice inside my head says I’ve done nothing.  I try hard not to listen too hard…  I’m proud of where I’ve been and who I am (most days anyway).

I’m not gonna lie to you, some days I feel as if I’m so far away from where I thought I’d be at this stage in my life and I know sometimes I totally diminish my accomplishments as well, I compare myself to those around me – although I’m sure, they often feel the same. In my heart, I faintly hear the whisper that says “you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.”  You see, I really want that whisper turn into a louder voice!

So, in this my forty-seventh year, I make this promise… live with no regrets, be kinder, take action without expectation, judge less, show more gratitude, do something that scares the absolute shit out of me, relax more and let life flow, encourage myself to welcome abundance more – life doesn’t have to be a struggle – and above all, remember the wise words my mumma wrote to me in a card years ago: “Your courage was there yesterday, is here today and will be there tomorrow.”


As I blow out the candle on forty-six, I make these new promises to myself… because, hell I am worthy of this and more!


Until next time, may you find joy, love, peace, and as always, an opportunity to discover YOUR 2.0