promise yourself

New Year, New Beginnings

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As I begin my forty-seventh year on this planet, wait, what? FORTY-SEVEN????  Holy crapballs!  Where does the time go?  Life, it does that to us doesn’t it?  Remember when we were in our twenties and thirty seemed OLD?!

Now, in my late mid forties (I stole this line from an episode of Will & Grace), I sit and ponder a bit.  I’m in awe of what I’ve done so far although some days that voice inside my head says I’ve done nothing.  I try hard not to listen too hard…  I’m proud of where I’ve been and who I am (most days anyway).

I’m not gonna lie to you, some days I feel as if I’m so far away from where I thought I’d be at this stage in my life and I know sometimes I totally diminish my accomplishments as well, I compare myself to those around me – although I’m sure, they often feel the same. In my heart, I faintly hear the whisper that says “you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.”  You see, I really want that whisper turn into a louder voice!

So, in this my forty-seventh year, I make this promise… live with no regrets, be kinder, take action without expectation, judge less, show more gratitude, do something that scares the absolute shit out of me, relax more and let life flow, encourage myself to welcome abundance more – life doesn’t have to be a struggle – and above all, remember the wise words my mumma wrote to me in a card years ago: “Your courage was there yesterday, is here today and will be there tomorrow.”


As I blow out the candle on forty-six, I make these new promises to myself… because, hell I am worthy of this and more!


Until next time, may you find joy, love, peace, and as always, an opportunity to discover YOUR 2.0


39 Days and Counting…

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I’m 39 days into my habit… I know that sounds strange AND, I’m really proud of myself!

This year, I set out to make 2019 about a lot of things. One of the most important things I have set out to do is promising to take better care of myself – not just in the healthy eating and more exercise department! It means I set more boundaries, put myself first, do only that which serves me, a daily practice, time carved out just for me AND really be happy with who I am – with no regrets or apologies!


This is not a selfish act my friends, it’s an act of survival and well being!  It means that, in turn, I can take better care of those I love AND I can give more of myself – like the old saying goes, “the better you take care of yourself, the better you can give to others.” (or something like that).

So, what’s the deal with 39 days and counting I started off with?  Well, I wanted to turn my desire of a practice into a habit. My habit each morning includes a yoga practice and journal time.  This is huge as it meant I’d have to get up earlier than usual, hubby would have to take on the morning dog walking responsibility and we’d both need to prep things the night before so we could carve out this time.  If it’s important enough, you’ll commit to it right?!  In theory yes, in practice, not always!  I’m notoriously human for starting something and sometimes letting in fall to the wayside….

NOT THIS TIME I said to myself (and to hubby who replied with “hey, whatever makes you happy!” He’s kinda smart this way).

66 days

According to science, “they” say it takes 66 days to turn something into a habit – so really, I’m more than half way there!!!  Some days the practice is not perfect, sometimes its shorter than usual, some days it just doesn’t flow (so I alter it) however, most days, it’s exactly what my body, mind and soul needs to carry on throughout the day, week, month and what will become a year of beautiful self care!

I finish each time with some journaling; this includes what I’m grateful for each day.  This practice, got me thinking – as I write the usual things, a patient, loving man who treats me with love and respect, the gorgeous dog we rescued, my job, health, this blog etc., it suddenly hit me why I didn’t put myself on the top of the list????  I mean, really, why am I not grateful for myself and what I bring to each day????  You know that conversation we all have about if we could pick 5 people to sit around a table and have dinner with, do you put yourself on that list???  I do (now)!  It’s kinda my recent “AH-HA” moment!

promise quote

Friends, stop putting yourself last on the list (or not on the list at all) – make yourself the first and foremost important person in your life! Make this promise to yourself!  Once you’ve got that in place, everything else becomes just that much better – I pinky swear!

So, I challenge you to take a day, a week, a month or hell, even the year to put yourself first someway, somehow!  It might be challenging and there will be moments you’ll want to say, “F*ck this!”  AND, I’m pretty confident you won’t regret it – besides, you are totally worth it right?! It’s a promise you’ll be happy you kept.

Until next time, I wish you love, peace, joy, happiness and a way to discover YOUR 2.0!